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About us

Martin Kalabus

Martin is the founder of Zoomies MVC. He is a RCVS registered veterinary surgeon with over 5 years’

experience working at various veterinary practices across the UK.

Prior to being a small animal vet, Martin worked as a farm animal vet working predominantly with cattle herds across the Staffordshire area. After a year he then moved towards small animal care for cats, dogs, rabbits and other little furries.


Why create Zoomies?


“Having worked at several different practices, I realised that one size rarely fits all.

There are many problems which I had solutions for, as both pets and the clients have their own individual needs.’’

Martin Zoomies photo puppy

''Some pets may be stressed out in the noisy waiting room, some may not be keen on travelling, some may completely change behaviour as soon as they enter the consult room.

Some owners cannot get the time off work, or they may struggle with mobility to get to the vets, and owners also dislike the waiting times.

I established Zoomies to offer an alternative to the traditional approach without paying the high home visit fees. I wanted to create a service which made the experience for owners and their fluffy companions less stressful, more relaxed and comfortable, whilst still getting a great service.

And lets be honest, no one likes going to the vet when it`s raining, its cold and you`d much rather be at home with the kettle on knowing someone is coming to you instead! Hence I created Zoomies MVC.’’


What does Martin love about his job?


''One of the best parts of my job has always been meeting and connecting with people and their fluffy

companions. Each family have unique stories to tell and I love hearing how pets get their names or silly events that happened on holiday.

The other best part of being a vet for me is helping people and animals. Owners will know when their cats’ meow isn`t right or when their dog is not themselves, and it’s a relief for the owners, the pet and me when we work out what`s wrong and how to get them back to their normal selves.''

Fun Facts about Martin


  • Martin Loves gardening and growing vegetables, especially tomatoes!

  • Previous pets Martin has had include a snake, a spider and a dog.

  • One of Martin’s many dreams is to own a farm where he has plenty of room for gardening and his various projects and room for 4 kids, 2 dogs, a few cows, a small flock of sheep.                                           (Although he hasn’t persuaded his fiancé just yet!)                                   

  • Martin`s other hobbies include outdoor adventure activities, hiking, DIY around the house, and having a glass of tea!

Maddie Kalabus

Maddie works behind the scenes of Zoomies and helps Martin with the more admin side of the business. She currently works full-time as a chartered accountant so helps in her free time with tasks such as bookkeeping, finding equipment, general admin and leaflet distribution. However, her most important role is ensuring Martin stays organised and on top of everything!


In the future, Maddie is going to undertake training to learn more about animals so that she can be more involved with the day to day running of the business.

Why create Zoomies?

“I was lucky enough to grow up with always having a pet in my life. And each of them was a member of the family. They were our fluffy brothers/sisters to me and my siblings.''

Maddie and Martin

''I have always loved animals so when Martin came up with the idea of starting his own practice to help pets and their families, we were both dedicated to making sure it would work.”

“We have lots of friends and family who have called Martin in the past to ask about their pet, sometimes on the weekend when their usual vets are closed. This made Martin and I think that there isn’t a convenient service available for pet owners who would like an appointment or just some reassurance. The only options currently are to take them to an out of hours hospital or wait until their vet practice reopens.”


“All of these factors led to Martin having the crazy idea of setting up his own practice. One where he would be able to fill the gaps in service that larger pet practices could not easily fulfill. One where he would be able to do what he loves and does best, help people and their fluffy friends.

Fun facts about Maddie

  • In her free time, she enjoys crafting (mostly macrame) and watching Disney movies.

  • Previous pets Maddie has had include dogs, chinchillas, rabbits and a hamster.

  • Maddie`s dream holiday destination is the Galapagos Islands.

  • Other hobbies include outdoor adventure activities, playing crazy golf and enjoying afternoon tea!

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